Technics SL 1200G Vs Continuum Caliburn

Описание к видео Technics SL 1200G Vs Continuum Caliburn

The review of the new Technics SL1200G will soon post on the AnalogPlanet website. It will be a very positive review. There are SL-1200 enthusiasts who believe it to be the best turntable in the world and superior to any belt drive because they believe direct drive is inherently superior.

So here's a check: the same piece of music "Vanquish" from the percussion group Smoke & Mirrors on Yarlung Records, recorded to analog tape using a single tube-based AKG C-24 stereo microphone and cut at 45rpm. Percussion records are especially good tests of transient precision and attack speed.

This particular pressing has some serious issues as you'll see more but hear somewhat less. However, it's a really good tracking test of both the arm and cartridge. The same record was used for both recordings.

Both the SL1200G and Continuum Caliburn with Swedish Analog Technologies tone arm were fitting with the Lyra Etna and run into the CH Precision P1 current amplification phono preamp ($48,000 with X1 power supply). The only other variables are different inputs on the P1 and of course different arms, 'tables and tone arm wire from 'table to phono preamp.

As I said in the video, the audio may or may not be the same and if different, may or may not correspond with the audio (in other words the audio for the SL-1200 may be the Continuum recording and vice-versa..or not!

The ADC was the Lynx HiLo at 96/24 resolution, which of course, YouTube doesn't fully provide during playback. In listening to the percussion record, consider the speed of instrumental attack and listen for the piano's "overhang" and "smear" as well as the clarity and precision of the sustain and the length of the decay. Also, pay attention to bass extension and solidity.

But mostly just listen, hopefully with a good USB DAC into a system with good and deep bass to begin with! And watch for the full SL-1200G review soon on


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