Описание к видео THE POWER OF THE HOLLY SPIRIT //David Yonggi Cho

Here are the key points from Dr. Cho's explanation in the message:

Scripture Reading: Dr. Cho begins with John 14:16-18, where Jesus promises to send another comforter, the Holy Spirit, to abide with the disciples forever, assuring them they won't be left as orphans.

Disciples' Fear: The disciples were fearful of being left alone after Jesus' ascension, as they were under constant threat from Roman soldiers and Jewish leaders.

Promise of the Holy Spirit: Jesus comforts the disciples by promising that although He is leaving physically, He will come back to them through the Holy Spirit, who will be with them always.

Another Comforter: The term "another comforter" refers to the Holy Spirit, who is of the same essence as Jesus and will continue His work among the disciples.

Dr. Cho's Early Ministry Struggles: In 1958, Dr. Cho faced challenges in his ministry when preaching to people in poverty. They questioned the relevance of his message about the Kingdom of God, asking for immediate help instead.

Step of Faith in Healing Ministry: Dr. Cho took a bold step by announcing a healing service, trusting that the Holy Spirit would manifest His power. Despite his fears, he prayed for a deaf and dumb girl, who was miraculously healed.

Realization of the Holy Spirit's Role: This experience confirmed to Dr. Cho that the Holy Spirit is present and active, carrying out Jesus' ministry through believers who exercise faith.

The Holy Spirit as a Helper: The Holy Spirit is described as a helper (Parakletos) who is always present to guide, strengthen, and empower believers. He is a gentleman who helps when invited and works supernaturally in the lives of believers.

Continuous Fellowship with the Holy Spirit: Dr. Cho emphasizes the importance of maintaining a relationship with the Holy Spirit, who will lead believers in all aspects of life, helping them experience the fullness of Jesus' ministry.

Final Encouragement: Without the Holy Spirit, the Church is powerless. Dr. Cho encourages believers to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, power, and preparation for eternal life.


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