Biharinath Pahar, Saltora, Bankura.Ideal spot for one day tour.

Описание к видео Biharinath Pahar, Saltora, Bankura.Ideal spot for one day tour.

Dear friends,
In this episode you will explore the offbeat adventurous route of Biharinath hill. The panoramic beauty of the Nature will mesmerize you indeed. The natural spring namely Uljharna in Samtali language (Aam jharna) is flowing spontaneously. You will be introduced with পাহাড়ী বাবা who is staying here alone for austerity.
পাহাড়িবাবার সাথে কথা বলতে চাইলে ফোন করুন ওনার মোবাইল নম্বরে 9775606094. উনি সবসময় ওখানেই থাকেন।


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