Faith Lesson From Tel Jezreel: King Ahab, Wicked Jezebel - Full Video in Description

Описание к видео Faith Lesson From Tel Jezreel: King Ahab, Wicked Jezebel - Full Video in Description

   • Tel Jezreel, Samaria, Tour! King Ahab...  

Take a tour and learn all about Tel Jezreel! It was a major Biblical city in the northern Kingdom of Israel. The capital of Israel was Samaria, but Jezreel is often presented as the Israelite king’s second or winter capital. This is where Wicked Jezebel met her death.

1. Tel Jezreel was a biblical fortified city located on the southern ridge of the beautiful Jezreel Valley in the Lower Galilee region of northern Israel.
2. The tel sits 100 meters above the valley and covers approximately 22 acres. It is strategically located close to the ancient Via Maris trade route running from north to south and was an important stop along the way.
3. Its strategic location on the entrance to the north-south trade route made the city a gatekeeper like Lachish, Gezer, Megiddo, and Hazor, which were located on the international highway known as the Via Maris (way of the sea).

Historical Background
1. Tel Jezreel was a major Biblical city in the northern Kingdom of Israel. The capital of Israel was Samaria, but Jezreel is often presented as the Israelite king’s second or winter capital.
2. The Bible tells about many events associated with the city.
3. Excavations reveal that the city was inhabited in the Canaanite/Late Bronze period in around the 15th Century BC, and then later in the Israelite/Iron period.
4. The city belonged to the region of the tribe of Issachar.
5. Archaeological findings dating to the Iron Age include a large enclosure surrounded by a moat, a gate with six chambers, and large towers. These findings are dated to around 880 BC, which would have been during the reign of King Omri and Ahab.
6. In 722 BC, the Jezreel and the northern Kingdom of Israel were conquered by the Assyrians, and many of the people were led away to Assyria as captives.
7. During the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Periods, the city continued to be an important gateway along the main road from north to south.
8. Jesus would have passed through the city of Jezreel on his journies from the Galilee area to Jerusalem.
9. The Crusaders who followed also left structures and remains of a medieval church which were uncovered in excavations.
10. The Ottomans inhabited the Tel in the 19th century.
11. In more recent history, the Tel was the site of major battles in 1948 when the State of Israel was established. On the Tel, you can see a memorial to the Palmach fighters who died in the battle.​

Places of Interest at Tel Jezreel
1. Biblical walls that are mentioned several times in the Bible.
2. Likely place of King Ahab's Palace
3. Winepress
4. Spring
5. Tower

Places of Interest Around Tel Jezreel
1. Jezreel Valley (Valley of Armageddon)
2. Mountains of Gilboa ~ Place King Saul and his sons were killed by the Philistines.
3. En Dor ~ Place King Saul met with a woman diviner who contacted Samuel from the dead.
4. Mount Tabor ~ Likely place of the transfiguration of Jesus.
5. Gideon's Spring ~ Place God chose 300 men to defeat the Midianites.
6. Beth Shean ~ Place the bodies of King Saul and his sons were hanged after the Philistines killed them in battle.​

Jezreel & Samaria In the Bible
1. The City of Jezreel was in the territory of the tribe of Issachar, as found in Joshua 19:17-18.
2. King Saul, on the eve of the fatal battle with the Philistines, camped with his army near the spring of Jezreel. The battle was fought in Jezreel Valley and on Mount Gilboa the following day. King Saul died fighting this battle together with his 3 sons. 1 Samuel 29:1, 1 Samuel 31:1
3. The great showdown between the 850 false prophets of Baal, Asherah, and Elijah took place on Mount Carmel, just 30 miles (50 km) north of Samaria. 1 Kings 18:20–21
4. After the prophet Elijah's great victory over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, Elijah instructed Ahab to return home to Jezreel to report the news to his wife, Jezebel (Jezreel is around 30 miles or 50 km. from Mount Carmel). 1 Kings 18:45–46
5. King Ahab had a palace in Jezreel. 1 Kings 21:1–3
6. King Ahab killed Naboth to acquire his vineyard. This event occurred north of Samaria at Ahab's summer palace of Tel Jezreel. 1 Kings 21:1–3
7. God killed King Ahab because of his great wickedness. 1 Kings 22:37–38
8. The fall of wicked Queen Jezebel took place as prophesied by Elijah.
2 Kings 9:30–37, In 2 Kings 10:8
9. Jezreel is also mentioned in the book of Hosea, where God commands Hosea to name his son "Jezreel" because I will soon punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of Israel" (Hosea 1:4).


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