Mox Opal Unleashes Lantern Control!! | MTGO League

Описание к видео Mox Opal Unleashes Lantern Control!! | MTGO League

Huge news with the unbanning of mox opal! Time to start testing a ton of lists. This will be a period of tons of testing, with all sorts of versions being tested.
Starting test with a whir version, looking to maximize the ease of getting blue pips that whir allows.


Don't forget to subscribe :)    / @lanterninsights  

0:00 Intro
3:08 Round 1 - Dredge
13:57 Round 2 - Dimir Frog
31:02 Round 3 - Grinding Station
1:10:03 Round 4 - Izzet Treasure (Big Punt)
1:25:29 Round 5 - Hammertime
1:44:00 Wrap up


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