THE BEJA TRIBE : Direct Descendants of ANCIENT EGYPTIANS & ONLY Cushitic Sudanese Tribe.

Описание к видео THE BEJA TRIBE : Direct Descendants of ANCIENT EGYPTIANS & ONLY Cushitic Sudanese Tribe.

#sudan #cushites #beja
The last cushites of Sudan : Beja People.
1. The Cushitic Beja of the deserts of eastern Sudan and arid mountains of the Red Sea Hills are among the country’s longest established peoples, having been existing for over 4,000 years. They number approximately 3.7 million and extend into Egypt and Eritrea. They inhabit large areas of Sudan between the Egyptian border, Eritrea and the River Setit, and from the Red Sea coast to the River Atbara and the Nile.
2. Genetically , the Beja are a complex mix of Ancient Cushitic , which forms the base of their genetic identity and Arabs who are a recent influence during the waves of Arab migrations into the region of Sudan starting from the 12 century onwards. They are thought to be Modern ancestors of present day Habesha. It is thought that the semitic Sabeans , together with some Omotic peoples may have mixed with them to create the modern day Amhara, Tigre and Tigrayans.

3. The Beja have partially mixed with Arabs through intermarriages over the centuries, and by the 15th century were absorbed into Islam. The process of Arabization led to the Beja adopting the Arabic language,Arab clothing, and Arab kinship organization.

4. They are distinguished by their great height and skin color, some brown, some caramel and many dark-brown in complexion. Many of them grow the hair on their head until it becomes thick, and use a special comb made of wood which we call “dhal” in their local dialect. The Beja have a uniquely huge crown of fuzzy hair, first recorded in Egyptian rock paintings (circa B.C. 2000). In the Roman era, they were known as the Blemmyes.

5. The Beja people are an ancient Cushitic people closely kin to the ancient Egyptians] They are descended from peoples who have inhabited the area since 4000 BC or earlier, although they were Arabized by Arabs who settled in the region. Many scholars believe the Beja to be derived from early Egyptians because of their language and physical features. the Bejas were one of the indigenous tribes of ancient Egypt and were mostly enlisted in the ancient Egyptian Military. They are the indigenous people of this area, and we first know of them in historical references in the Sixth Dynasty of ancient Egypt.
6. The Beja people formed a class of archers in ancient Egypt. They are fighters. They are distinguished by the manufacture of weapons, including special knives and swords and a weapon made of wood called the “safrouk.” You can not find a Beja person who does not carry a knife on his shoulder or a sword, one of our customs and traditions. They are considered symbols of strength and protection of their own.

7. Music exists deeply within the conscience of the Beja people and has a great influence on them. They believe in their culture and translate it into music, even to the point of frenzy. It is beautiful to listen to. Their music is sweet, nostalgic, ambiguous, and honest. It is also very old—ancient. The melodies are old, tracing back to pharaonic times. Beja music thus forms an unbroken chain of melodies that have been passed down many generations.
8. Many of the Beja speak Arabic, while some speak the Beja language, known as Bidhaawyeet or Tubdhaawi in that language. It belongs to the Cushitic branch of the Afroasiatic family. In Eritrea and southeastern Sudan, many members of the Beni-Amer Beja people speak the Semetic Tigre. Originally, the Beja did not speak Arabic, but the migration of the numerous Arab tribes to the Beja areas contributed to the Arabization and Islamization of them. Although there is a marked Arabic influence, the Beja language is still widely spoken.Beja is still the prestigious language for most of its speakers because it conforms to the ethical values of the community.
9. The Beja prefer cross-cousin marriages. After a marriage contract has been made, a large gift of livestock, clothing, and other goods is given to the bride's family. The goal of young couples is to have many male children and to acquire a great number of female camels.

10. The Beja people are a minority in Sudan and maybe even an oppressed minority and they definitely resent this fact. The Beja Congress was formed in 1952 with the aim of pursuing regional autonomy against the government in Khartoum. Frustrated by the lack of progress, the Beja Congress joined the insurgent National Democratic Alliance in the 1990s. The Beja Congress effectively controlled a part of eastern Sudan centered on Garoura and Hamshkoraib. The Beja Congress sabotaged the oil pipeline to Port Sudan several times during 1999 and 2000. In 2003, they rejected the peace deal arranged between the Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army, and allied with the rebel movement of the Darfur region, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, in January 2004.


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