Using Batch Clip in ArcGIS Pro

Описание к видео Using Batch Clip in ArcGIS Pro

Video #114
This video is more for the new ArcGIS Pro user. it clarifies how Batch works with a tool (in this case Clip). In the video I:

Display SSSI polygons, OSM streets polylines and OSM waterways polylines
Choose the Clip tool and clip Streets using SSSI polygons
Display the results of that single feature layer clip
Choose the Clip tool again but this time right hand mouse click to access 'Batch'
Save the tool for re-use
Select both streets and waterways as input features to be clipped
Select SSSI polygons as the clipping feature
Run the tool and display results
Briefly mention how the resulting tool (.tbx) can be edited as a Model for future expansion


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