Living History with Captain Maury Seitz

Описание к видео Living History with Captain Maury Seitz

The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza presented an interview between retired U.S. Air Force Captain Maury Seitz and Associate Curator Stephen Fagin. A former U.S. Air Force captain who later served as a longtime captain for American Airlines, Seitz was co-pilot on numerous chartered flights that backed up Air Force One during the Kennedy presidency. Seitz met the Kennedy family and spent time with Caroline and John Jr. During the Cuban missile crisis, his plane carried a JFK decoy during a top-secret flight.

This presentation was arranged for students in Education in Action's Lone Star Leadership Academy Camp program. To see related films, photos, documents and oral histories from The Sixth Floor Museum's collection, visit our online collections database ( Or make a research appointment to explore the books, DVDs and other materials available in the Museum's Reading Room (


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