Could YOU be a Herbalist?...5 Questions to Consider

Описание к видео Could YOU be a Herbalist?...5 Questions to Consider

Could you be a herbalist? I believe that anyone can become a herbalist as we all have the potential. There are 5 questions to consider that I think are very pertinent and I discuss these further down below.

If you do feel, deep down, that herbalism is for you check out my online course which is for beginners and will get you started on your herbal path.

If you are interested in the medicinal qualities of plants but don't want to become a herbalist, have a look at my books, The Weed Handbooks for some herb lore and folklore, medicine and magic.

Perhaps you prefer to work with plants in a more esoteric way and if so the Wise Woman Way training might be for you. This course follows the Celtic Wheel of the Year and celebrates the eight festivals. It is a transpersonal course drawing on shamanic and druidic teachings for healing and wisdom. We communicate with the plants and connect with the Divine Feminine. Find out more here -

Feeling drawn to become a herbalist starts with our love of plants and our understanding that they are wise beings who can help us on many levels. We come into communication with them and develop a reciprocal relationship which means we stop seeing them as things to be used, and see them instead as intelligent beings.

Common sense is vital because even though plants are natural, they can be very potent so we must work with them with respect and understanding of their powers. It would be wrong to give out plant medicine without regard to what the plants can do and without regard for the person we are making medicine for.

Once we become curious about all the plants that are growing so abundantly all around us, we begin to learn. Questions begin to arise and tantalise us - where are the answers? Some are out there right in front of us and others we will have to find out for ourselves.

We have to want to help our fellow man and this can be done in more than one way once we start on our plant journey. We can make medicine for someone but we can also encourage our family and friends and our community to see that plants are our neighbours and we must take care of the environment they inhabit. Caring for our medicinal plants takes the same compassion that is needed to help human folk and this can be encouraged in others.

Working outdoors in the fresh air, building a garden and taking care of it is so enjoyable. Noticing the changes in the seasons, observing different leaf patterns and colours of flowers; becoming aware of what helps plants grow best, all come from enjoying the outdoors and being amongst the plants.

Once you have made your first cup of herbal tea or the first salve, you will begin to feel empowered. You are taking control of your own life and your own health. You are opening to the wonders of the natural world of healing and this is a mighty experience.

Get in touch if you have any other questions.

Thanks to Lol for the filming, editing and music. Find Lol on YouTube
   / @lolhardiman5247   and take a look at this website

Many thanks for all the lovely comments. Have a lovely week!

  / danusirishherbgarden


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