Warriors Orochi - Special Dialogue (Shu)

Описание к видео Warriors Orochi - Special Dialogue (Shu)

All the special dialogue I could find for Shu. If you see any I missed, leave a comment about it.

0:00 Chapter 1
Lines for if you rush Cao Ren and beat him, if Xing Cai is in the party if you go back to rescue Zhang Bao after freeing him, and if Zuo Ci is defeated. According to my list, no other characters had lines for being in the party.

2:22 Chapter 2
Magoichi has a ton of missable lines if he never makes it to Yue Ying. Da Ji has lines if you turn around and beat her.

7:38 Chapter 2-X
Lines for failing the strategy. You have to succeed it to hear people interact with Jiang Wei.

9:35 Chapter 3
Lines for the messengers reaching Shigenari, another for if you rush him yourself.

12:30 Chapter 3-X
Lines for all the Hojo defecting and if Wei Yan starts to struggle. Yukimura's line with Pang De only seems to play if you kept the Hojo from defecting.

15:11 Chapter 4
Lines for if all of Meng Huo's officers die. Okuni has lines before AND after fighting Zhang Liao/Xu Huang. Also, Zhu Rong won't call on the armored troops for the arrow ambush if you got everyone killed.

19:27 Chapter 4-X
Lines for if Wei Yan/Xing Cai are in the party and break a box. Every miscreant has a line on appearance, which is really easy to miss since you can kill them so quickly and you're usually bombarded with lines of Goemon thinking about his treasure. Goemon's escape line is entertaining.

22:57 Chapter 5
Yukimura/Zhao Yun have lines when approaching the castle. Shu faction characters will say "Lord Liu Bei!" or something similar in the cutscene with Yuan Shao, but other characters will remain silent. I only showed Yukimura's as an example. Zhuge Liang's lines change depending on if you spotted all of his ambushes or not, and this also changes his line towards Jiang Wei. Dong Zhuo will say lines if you succeed in stopping the ambushes and order a charge.

27:36 Chapter 5-X
Magoichi has lines if you outright ignore the plan and charge.

30:00 Chapter 6
Zhao Yun has lines with both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, but some of them only trigger if he remains directly beside them such as officially putting Zhou Yu in charge. Otherwise it skips those lines and Zhou Yu just starts giving orders on his own. Kotaro has lines for if enough time passes without him or Zhu Ran dying and he detects the fire attack. It also fails if Zhu Ran dies. If it fails and Yoshihiro is in the party, he has a line. You can also get Sun Ce to order a charge if you succeed setting up the fire attack, but wreck the enemy before the officers can get in range.

Someone told me before that messenger in the top left of this stage brings reinforcements if you wait long enough. It does not, I waited the full 60 minutes and got a game over and he never produced any reinforcements.

34:35 Chapter 6-X
Lines for if Musashi reaches Lu Bu/Mitsunari, if he dies, or if his friends start to die. You can also trigger Mitsunari's reinforcements early if you rush him, but there's no new lines for doing so.

36:25 Chapter 7
The cutscene only triggers if you're playing as Zhao Yun/Yukimura/Magoichi. Zhao Yun has lines with Zhou Cang, Mi Zhu, and Sun Ce. He has additional lines against Zhang Fei that only trigger after damaging him a little. Matabei has a bunch of lines for luring the enemy which also triggers lines for Ma Su. Sun Ce will have a line about guarding their escape route when entering the main keep if he's close enough, if he is not, then an enemy Defense Captain locks the doors instead.

42:13 Chapter 7-X
Yukimura has a line about his uncle if he's in the party. If he is not, he has different lines when being roused by you getting KOs or when he starts to struggle and when retreating. The stage changes slightly if you're playing as Yukimura and try to hold off Dong Zhuo's forces, where getting KO's buffs Nobutsuna who is protecting the peasants. Also interaction lines with Tadakatsu will trigger despite not being anywhere near him if you're holding them off. Tadakatsu has lines and a cutscene when meeting Lu Bu. Dong Zhuo and his men have lines for appearing and charging. Yukimura and Tadakatsu have lines if all peasants are killed.

45:25 Chapter 8
Cutscene only plays if Zhao Yun/Yukimura/Zhuge Liang are in the party. Keiji and Lu Bu will have different lines with Da Ji depending on which of her plans you foil first. Zhuge Liang has lines if they finish preparing and charge. There's an extra line from the peons if you wait a bit before defeating the sorcerer. If you're playing as Zhao Yun, the second cutscene will have him attack the fake Liu Bei (it's normally Zhuge Liang).

52:56 Chapter 8-X
Xiahou Dun appears as reinforcements, but only if Guan Yu triggers his struggling line. (HP is irrelevant) If he appears before Zuo Ci, he has a line for forming an alliance. Zuo Ci has lines when the player approaches Lu Bu. Lu Bu has lines when you flee from him. Zuo Ci's lines with others only trigger if either Guan Yu/Zhang Fei are in the party.


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