lead generation forms LinkedIn (Step by Step Tutorial 2021)

Описание к видео lead generation forms LinkedIn (Step by Step Tutorial 2021)

A full walk through of lead generation forms on linkedin. Lead Gen Forms are the cheapest cost per lead you will get on the platform as they are native to Linkedin and Linkedin makes it so easy for people to fill out with a couple clicks. But there is a downside to this also, the lead quality may be low.

-- (FREE) LINKEDIN Ads TARGETING Like A Pro Course --

This free course on targeting like a pro will go deep on Linkedin ads targeting, and will show you a framework for targeting beyond just job title (which is the most common, yet most expensive).

SUBSCRIBE here: http://bit.ly/Phil-youtube-subscribe

How i can help you:
Check out my masterclass on Linkedin Ads here: http://bit.ly/Linkedin-MasterClass-YT

Schedule a call with me if you want to talk about me doing your linkedin and email marketing for your B2B organisation: https://www.superlumen.co/linkedin-ads


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