Swing! Tavi Swing! [Accompaniment] - Piano Transcription by DJDelta0

Описание к видео Swing! Tavi Swing! [Accompaniment] - Piano Transcription by DJDelta0

IMPORTANT information about the sheets: This song uses "rolled eighths". Rolled eighths create the swing that you hear in jazz music. You can probably hear it very easily while listening to this song. However, there's a special way of notating rolled eighths, which I have used here. Every time you see a pair of eighth notes, do NOT play them as regular eighth notes. Instead, you have to delay the second eighth note a little bit so it swings. If you're confused (and I bet you are), read this article here:


However, there are some parts in the score that have eighth notes that need to be played regularly. Those are the eighth note pairs with the number "2" above them. I don't know if that's proper notation, but I couldn't find any information on that, so I used it anyway. So remember! Regular eighth notes = play them with a swing. Eighth notes with a "2" above them = play them normally.

So you're probably feeling rather stressed out about playing this piece, now that you've read these complicated rules for jazz. Well, the thing about jazz is that you don't really have to follow the timing of the notes accurately. If you play the note that is swung a little too early or late, no one's really going to care. It's jazz, so it's going to sound like you're improvising. Basically, don't worry about getting the timing right. Jazz is all about being free and doing whatever you want!


SHEET and MIDI DOWNLOAD: http://weimtime.org/midis

Transcribe! Tavi Transcribe! This song was very difficult to transcribe. Not as hard as Lullaby, but it was close. Lullaby was hard because it was 7 minutes long, and I was making a duet out of it. This song, however, was hard for other reasons:

1) The tempo is really fast! To account for this, I slowed it down so I could hear the notes better

2) The singing was impossible to figure out for me. While the pitches were easy to identify, the timing was just crazy. No matter how I notated it, it just wouldn't fit with the original score. Eventually, I just gave up. Also, even if I had figured it out, the sheets would've looked really ugly. It'd be hard to read and play for you guys, so I decided to transcribe the piano part only and not incorporate the voice.

3) The notation. First, I had to notate it badly so that the notes would match up with the original song. Then, I had to re-notate it to create the sheet music, so it would look nice to the players. It was tedious.

So yeah, I'm sorry that there's no voice part for this transcription. Also, I apologize for the really boring left hand part. Firstly, it's pretty much the only thing the left hand does in the original song. Secondly, I could've made it a little more complicated, but considering how fast this song goes and how crazy the right hand is already, I decided to keep it simple so it's easier to play.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Next project, once again, I don't know! But hopefully, you'll still be around to watch my next video. Thanks!


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