✨️✨️In this deeply moving video, I recite a powerful dua (supplication) to be recited upon completing the Quran. This dua is a beautiful expression of seeking Allah's mercy, guidance, and blessings through the Quran. Recite along with me and let the words of this dua touch your heart as you reflect on the completion of this noble act of worship. May Allah accept our recitation and grant us the ability to continue seeking His pleasure through the Quran. Aameen! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more spiritually uplifting content!✨️✨️
🌟🌟Here is the English translation of the KHATAM AL QURAN DUA that is being read by in this video👇:
"O Allah, have mercy on me through the Qur'an and make it a guide, light, and mercy for me. O Allah, remind me of what I have forgotten from it, teach me from it what I am ignorant of, and grant me the recitation of it throughout the night and at the ends of the day. Make it a proof for me, O Lord of the worlds. O Allah, rectify my religion, which is the safeguard of my affairs, and rectify my worldly life, in which is my livelihood, and rectify my Hereafter, to which is my return. And make life an increase for me in every good, and make death a comfort for me from every evil. O Allah, make the best of my life its ending, the best of my deeds its final actions, and the best of my days the day I meet You. O Allah, I ask You for a blissful life, a good death, and to not make my end one of disgrace or a glaring one. O Allah, I ask You for the best of requests, the best of supplications, the best of success, the best of knowledge, the best of deeds, the best of rewards, the best of lives, the best of deaths, to keep me steadfast, to make my balance heavy [with good deeds], to grant me true faith, to elevate my status, to accept my prayers, and to forgive my sins."
"I ask You for the highest ranks in Paradise. O Allah, I ask You for the deeds that bring Your mercy, firmness in seeking Your forgiveness, safety from every sin, the bounty of every righteousness, and the foremost place in Paradise. O Allah, make our end good in all matters, deliver us from the disgrace of this world and the punishment of the Hereafter. O Allah, grant us such fear of You as will come between us and acts of disobedience to You; such obedience to You as will bring us to Your Garden; and such certainty that the calamities of this world will be made easy for us by You. Bestow upon us enjoyment through our hearing, our sight, our strength, and make it the inheritor from us, and retaliate on those who have wronged us, and help us against our enemies. Do not make our affliction in our religion, do not make the world our greatest concern or the limit of our knowledge, and do not give power over us to those who will not have mercy on us. O Allah, forgive every sin we have committed, every anxiety we have suffered, and every debt we owe. Fulfill all our needs, O Most Merciful of the merciful. Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire. May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, and grant them much peace."🌟🌟
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