Mild Canine Epileptic Seizure

Описание к видео Mild Canine Epileptic Seizure

This video is a real-time recording of a very mild seizure experienced by my 10.5 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback Rain. Rain has had idiopathic epilepsy since the age of 14 months, just one week after his first booster vaccination. Although they started off just as localised tremors, then soon became more violent and longer lasting necessitating medication. He is now pretty stable on a combination of meds and CBD oil and although he still has fits every 8 weeks or so, they are much gentler and shorter in duration. This video is of one of his mild events. I mention a technique called Ocular Pressure in the video - if you would like to see more information on this technique, check out our blog at:


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