35坪日式東方禪風|古董改造再運用 多功能退休居所|程翊室內裝修-詹芳玫|幸福空間Japanes Zen: Antique Makeover and Reuse— Retirement Housing

Описание к видео 35坪日式東方禪風|古董改造再運用 多功能退休居所|程翊室內裝修-詹芳玫|幸福空間Japanes Zen: Antique Makeover and Reuse— Retirement Housing

#程翊室內裝修 #詹芳玫

The homeowner can never let go objects with an antique feel, hence this is the second trust delegation. While displaying the beauty of antiques, we have also transformed them into highlights of the space and turned this place into a club for friends and relatives and a home for retirement to meet diversified needs.

⧉ Time sequence ⧉
01:11|案場簡介-居住機能之外 公領域具備古董收藏與招待會所功能
In addition to the living function, the common area serves as antique storage and a club.

02:27|古董改造-原居所古物 精挑細選變成空間立體重點
Antique renovation – Original residential relics transform into 3D highlights within the space after meticulous selection

03:40|玄關-消光黑格柵結合古件屏風 花開富貴 給客人最佳第一印象
Matte black grids combined with vintage screens / Flourishing prosperity is the ideal first impression of guests

04:58|陽台-落地窗配置等高榻榻米 無邊際連結室內外景致
A French window arranged with tatami of the same height connects the indoor and outdoor scenery

06:33|設計細節-天花搭配紅眠床古件 細心安排燈光位置
The ceiling is decorated with vintage red sleeping bed objects with meticulously positioned lights

07:33|客廳-羅漢椅搭配落雪意境花卉壁紙 對稱展示櫃增加收納
An Arhat chair with snowy floral wallpaper / Symmetrical display shelves increase storage

09:00|餐廚區-客製化高機能個人抽屜餐桌 不規則翻轉吊燈成空間焦點
A customized dining table with personal functional drawers / An irregular twisted suspended light becomes the highlight of the space

11:00|和室-入口使用古件點綴 更具文化風格意義
The entrance is decorated with vintage pieces with cultural style and meaning

12:32|主臥及露臺-轉折動線增加隱密性 整合臥室牆面 壁紙賦予空間生命力
The balcony privacy is enhanced by the twisted access and integrated into the bedroom wall whose vitality is given life by the wallpaper.

14:16|衛浴-訂製玫瑰窗花 滿足女主人喜好
A customized rose window grille satisfies the female owner’s preferences


#幸福空間 #裝潢 #室內設計 #室內裝潢 #日式 #退休 #桃園 #古董 #古物 #教友 #東方禪 #改造 #木工 #風水 #tatami #wallpaper


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■ 幸福空間 LINE https://line.me/ti/p/%40ovs4341s
■ 幸福空間   / gorgeous_space  


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