Hindi Meaning and Explanation of the Poem " A Common Hate Enriched Our Love For Us" by Dennis Brutus

Описание к видео Hindi Meaning and Explanation of the Poem " A Common Hate Enriched Our Love For Us" by Dennis Brutus

A common hate enriched our love for us is a poem written by South African Poet-
Dennis Brutus. Brutus was an activist against the apartheid government of South Africa in the 1950s and 1960s. Brutus writing poetry became an act of resistance of the repressive laws of Apartheid, which promoted the separate development of the races.

Here we are giving this poem's Hindi meaning and Explanation of This Poem. This poem is a part of Syllabus of MA English in Universities of Uttar Pradesh. Many of other universities also include this in their English Literature Syllabus.

Below, we are giving its Text.

A common hate enriched our love for us
A common hate enriched our love for us:

Escape to parasitic ease disgusts;
discreet expensive hushes stifled us
the plangent wines became acidulous

Rich foods knotted to revolting clots
of guilt and anger in our queasy guts
remembering the hungry comfortless.

In draughty angles of the concrete stairs
or seared by salt winds under brittle stars
we found a poignant end to tenderness,

and, sharper than our strain, the passion
against our land's disfigurement and tension;
hate gouged out deeper levels for our passion -

a common hate enriched our love for us


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