Exercise 5d | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra

Описание к видео Exercise 5d | Oxford New Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra

Exercise 5d | Oxford Countdown | Grade 4 | Iqra Zahra
Dear Students!
Welcome to my Youtube Channel ‪@iqrazahra269‬
In this lecture, we will covered the Exercise 5d of Oxford New Countdown Book 4 Third Edition from book page number 134 to 136.
In chapter number 5 (Measurement), you will learn the following topics.
1. Time and how to read time ?
2. The 12 Hour and 24 Hour Clock.
3. Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
4. Addition and Subtraction of units of time.
5. Conversion of units of time.
6. Conversion of hours to minutes or minutes to hour.
7. Conversion of minutes to seconds or seconds to minutes.
8. Conversion of seconds to hours.
9. Calender.
10. Conversion of year into months and days.
11. Conversion of days into years.
12. Conversion of years into weeks.
13. Complete Exercise 5d.

In this chapter we covered the following topics.
1.Use standard metric units to measure the length of different objects.
2. Convert larger to smaller metric units (2 digit numbers with one decimal place)
a) Kilometers into meters.
b) Meters into centimetres.
c) Centimetres into millimetres.
3.Add and subtract measure of length in same units.
4.Use standard metric units to measure the mass of different objects.
5. Convert larger to smaller metric units (2 digit numbers with one decimal place)
a) Kilogram into gram
b) Gram into milligram.
6.Add and subtract measures of mass in same units.
7.Use standard metric to measure the capacity of different containers.
8. Convert larger to smaller metric units (2 digit numbers with one decimal place) liters into milliliters.
9.Add and subtract measure of capacity in same units.
10.Solve real life situations involving conversion, addition and subtraction of measure of length, mass and capacity
11.Read and write the time using digital and analogue clicks on 12 hour and 24 hour format.
12.Convert hours to minutes and minutes to second.
13.Convert years to month, month to days and week to days.
14.Add and subtract measure of time without carrying and borrowing.
15.Solve simple real life situations involving conversion, addition and subtraction of measures of time.

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