How to use a SQLite Database with Nodejs (web app tutorial part 2)

Описание к видео How to use a SQLite Database with Nodejs (web app tutorial part 2)

Continuing our Building a Web App in JavaScript tutorial series by learning how to use, store and retrieve information from a SQLite database in Node. Also introduces ESModule import statements and Promises.

Part 1 goes over setting up the project:    • Node.js Web App in 15 Minutes: forms,...  
Part 3 adds a registration page and goes over hashing passwords    • How to build a user registration syst...  

0:00 Introduction
0:44 Enabling ESModules with `esm`
2:45 Installing SQLite (our database)
4:18 What is a Promise?
6:54 Creating our database with a migration
9:35 Retrieving a messages from the database
13:07 Storing new messages in the database

SQLite Studio:

The code I wrote is available on GitHub:


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