Mrs. Allen's Unwavering Faith

In the quiet corners of St. John's Church of Uganda - Kajugangoma, where sunlight filters through stained glass, Mrs. Allen Kapere diligently swept the floors of the Child Development Center Office. Her hands, calloused from years of service, held more than a broom—they held stories of faith.

One Wednesday afternoon -( 19th June 2024), during the Words of Hope Program, Medius Omutwa stepped up to the microphone. Her voice trembled as she shared her testimony. Her husband, unjustly imprisoned, faced darkness and despair. Yet, Medius clung to Jesus—the anchor of her soul. Her unwavering faith painted vivid strokes across the airwaves.

Mrs. Allen Kapere listened; her heart stirred. She had seen Medius Omutwa walk the dust roads of Kitariro, her eyes reflecting resilience, Medius's faith wasn't fragile; it was forged in the fire of adversity. The quality of her trust in God amazed Mrs. Allen.

As the program continued, Mrs. Allen whispered her own prayers. She prayed for Medius's husband, for justice, and for courage to face her own struggles. The broom became an instrument of intercession, sweeping away doubts and fears.

Days turned into weeks, and Mrs. Allen's faith deepened. She held onto Medius's testimony like a lifeline. When doubts whispered, she remembered Medius's unwavering gaze toward heaven. If Medius could stand firm, so could she.

One Sunday, Mrs. Allen stood before the congregation. Her voice, once timid, rang out as she shared her own story. Tears flowed—the same tears that had watered the CDC’s, nurturing hope. She encouraged others to stay firm in their faith, no matter the storms.

And so, in the quiet corners of St. John's, Mrs. Allen became a beacon. Her broom swept not only dust but also doubts. She moved forward, inspired by Medius, knowing that God worked through ordinary hands and steadfast hearts.

In the tapestry of faith, Medius and Mrs. Allen wove threads of resilience, turning trials into testimonies. The Words of Hope Program had become more than broadcasts—it was a lifeline connecting souls across distances, reminding them that God was at work, even in the mundane.

And so, Mrs. Allen swept, prayed, and believed. Her faith, like Medius's, stood firm—a testament to the God who weaves stories of redemption in the everyday.


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