Should You Build a Startup If You Are POOR? (a VC's perspective)

Описание к видео Should You Build a Startup If You Are POOR? (a VC's perspective)

Should you take the risk of starting a business if you're poor? Will a venture capital investor back you on this risky journey?

In this video we discuss a controversial article written by ‪@StephNass‬ of ‪@openvc_‬, who details the reasons why you are far less likely to raise venture capital if you're poor.

Some of the reasons are surprising.

And its easy to understand why this perspective rubs people the wrong way. Isn't one of the main motivations of being an entrepreneur to build wealth? If you must already be wealthy, then where does that leave the vast majority of people?

So if you're not already rich we discuss what can/should you do to set yourself up for success if you want to go down this perilous startup journey.

You don't want to miss this video!

Read the article:

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