DCS: PGUA ATIS and RS7201 Range Test

Описание к видео DCS: PGUA ATIS and RS7201 Range Test

Making a mission for myself on the Marianas Map, and though I would share some of the results of including using MOOSE in the mission.

In addition to the range and ATIS I have scripted the following from MOOSE:
Random air traffic departing and arriving into PGUM (A320, 737), some C-130s going to and from PGUA, and some C172 traffic at the smaller airfields.
Recovery tanker for CVN-75
Live AA range (vs Fulcrums or Flankers)

I am hoping to be able to get the range script working for entering/exiting the AA range; and also port the ATIS and range voice to work with SRS. I am also looking at an AG ship range and integrating some moving targets on the RS7201 range.

Next, I need to make sure both the airborne and ground JTAC's work though.


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