Currency increase hit Pelin Karahan too!

Описание к видео Currency increase hit Pelin Karahan too!

Pelin Karahan, the pearl of Cyprus: Towards Victory, was spotted with her husband Bedri Guntay in a shopping mall in Etiler. Karahan made a flash confession after the fluctuation in the exchange rate. Karahan stated that she paid attention to shopping after the increase in the exchange rate. It seems like it would be a dream to go abroad with this departure," and expressed her sadness. Pelin Karahan, who was seen in City's Nisantasi recently, explained that she lost much kilograms by doing ketogenic nutrition and kick boxing and continued her words as follows: "I lost about nine kilos, did a solid diet and exercise. I feel better and healthier this way. I think I'm fitter and better on screen. This way of eating has become a lifestyle. Now I'm 48 and a half kilos, I have to maintain it, I did a ketogenic diet. I did both functional training and kickboxing."


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