Dr. Martin Luther King "I've Been to the Mountaintop" - Research Paper Example

Описание к видео Dr. Martin Luther King "I've Been to the Mountaintop" - Research Paper Example

📄 Research Paper Description: Martin Luther King managed to adapt the religious world view of the slaves to Biblical story; his central message of the speech was concentrated on the human way to the land of future.

📌 Text Version: https://studycorgi.com/dr-martin-luth...
✔️ Topics: History, Historical Figures, Martin Luther King
✔️ Language: 🇺🇸 English
✔️ Words: 1096

🔍 References:
Caldwell, G. (n. d.) Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968: in Memoriam.
King, M. L. (1994). I’ve been to the Mountaintop. Harper San Francisco.
McElrath, J. (2007). The Everything Martin Luther King Jr. Book: The Struggle. the Dream. The Legacy. Everything Books.
Miller, K. (1998). Voice of deliverance: the language of Martin Luther King, Jr., and its sources. University of Georgia Press.
Montefiore, S. (2006). Speeches that changed the World: the stories and transcripts of the moments that made history. 7th Edition. Cambridge Editorial Partnership.

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