নেতাজির ইতিহাস লেখায় কী করেছিল কংগ্রেস? কেন বাদ পড়েছিলেন? Kunal Bose

Описание к видео নেতাজির ইতিহাস লেখায় কী করেছিল কংগ্রেস? কেন বাদ পড়েছিলেন? Kunal Bose

We all read Ramesh Chandra Majumdar's history books in our childhood. Ramesh Chandra Majumdar was one of India's most renowned historians. He highlighted various aspects of India's history through his writings. He felt it was essential to document the correct history of India. As a result, the central government entrusted him with significant responsibilities. However, he was excluded from writing the history of Netaji. Nevertheless, Ramesh Chandra Majumdar published that history on his own. This episode brings that chapter to light.

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