comendar:Halil Halid .A Turkish warrior in era of sultan Abdul Hamid

Описание к видео comendar:Halil Halid .A Turkish warrior in era of sultan Abdul Hamid

Comendar: halil halid
"Halil Halid (1869-1924) was a renowned Turkish military commander and patriot who played a crucial role in the Ottoman Empire's military campaigns during World War I. Born in Istanbul, Halid Pasha, as he was also known, served with distinction in the Balkan Wars and later led the Ottoman forces to key victories in the Caucasus Campaign. His bravery, strategic genius, and unwavering dedication to his country earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and the Turkish people. This channel explores his life, military achievements, and legacy, shedding light on an important figure in Turkish history. #HalilHalid #TurkishHistory #OttomanEmpire #MilitaryHistory #WorldWarI #CaucasusCampaign"


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