Morley Bottoms and the Morley Hall - Relaxing 4K

Описание к видео Morley Bottoms and the Morley Hall - Relaxing 4K

The Historic town of Morley, West Yorkshire. This location is the Northern end of Morley but as it is at the bottom of the hill that the main section of the town is built on, it is referred to by most locals as, Morley Bottoms. This part of Morley hasn’t changed a lot in over a hundred years. However, this year (2021) has seen the pedestrianisation of the end of Queen Street to accommodate to modern bars and outdoor seating area.
The Morley Hall was built by the Dawson family in 1683. It has houses the Scatchard family and also been a maternity Unit. Another historic listed building of Morley. A local rumour is that of a ghost at Morley hall called the Grey Lady.

Had a close call with a pigeon too at 4 minutes 26 seconds!


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