OutTrigger (SEGA 1999) - Preparatory Training Course

Описание к видео OutTrigger (SEGA 1999) - Preparatory Training Course

OutTrigger (SEGA 1999)
Playthrough of the Preparatory Training Course in the OutTrigger arcade game using DEMUL emulator v0.7 (SEGA NAOMI)

Video has been edited to remove some failed attempts

00:00 - Intro
00:07 - Demo screen
01:50 - Game starts
02:41 - Exercise 1
03:12 - Exercise 2
03:41 - Exercise 3
04:24 - Exercise 4
05:23 - Exercise 5
07:00 - Exercise 6
08:56 - End of Course results
09:14 - Outro

Thanks for watching!
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