Mahatma Gandhi Quiz | 75 Frequently Asked Questions | Gandhi Jayanti Quiz 2020 | General Knowledge

Описание к видео Mahatma Gandhi Quiz | 75 Frequently Asked Questions | Gandhi Jayanti Quiz 2020 | General Knowledge

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Some of the questions asked in the video are:
When was Mahatma Gandhi born?
Who said on the death of Mahatma Gandhi, "'The Light Has Gone Out of Our Lives'"?
What was the first point Gandhiji discussed in the book "Constructive Programme"?
Name the author of the book "Gandhi in Champaran"?
What was Gandhi's age when his father died?
When did Mahatma Gandhi found Harijan Sevak Sangh?
When was the first postage stamp on Mahatma Gandhi issued by the Government of India?
In which year did Mahatma Gandhi launch Champaran Satyagraha?
When did Salt March end?
Who was the Governor-General of India at the time of the Quit India Movement?
Where was Mahatma Gandhi born?
In which movement Gandhiji gave the slogan "Do or Die"?
What is the other name of Salt march?
Name the station where Mahatma Gandhi was thrown off a train for riding first class in South Africa?
In which year Gandhiji resigned from the Congress party?
Which word did Gandhi spell wrong as a child when the school inspector gave dictation to the class?
Where was Mahatma Gandhi's first fast in India?
Who worked as a Private Secretary to Mahatma Gandhi?
Sevagram Ashram is located in which Indian state?
Which of the following Mahatma Gandhi described as his two lungs?
Name the wife of Mahatma Gandhi.
When was Gandhiji's autobiography first published?
How many children did Mahatma Gandhi's mother Putlibai Gandhi have?
What did Gandhiji use as his weapon to protest against the British?
When was the first issue of 'Indian Opinion' published?
What was the childhood nickname of Gandhiji?
In which state chauri chaura is located?
In which year Vinoba Bhave met Mahatma Gandhi first?


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