Makings of a Guide Dog Documentary

Описание к видео Makings of a Guide Dog Documentary

Meet Lawrence Gunther – a conservationist and professional angler looking for the perfect guide dog partnership.

An avid outdoorsman, Lawrence needs a dog that suits his mobility needs and lifestyle.

In "Makings of a Guide Dog," join Lawrence on his quest to find a compatible match! Get an in-depth look at the matching process with CNIB Guide Dogs and meet some adorable and life-changing canine companions.

Partnering with a guide dog is a 50/50 relationship and every dog has its own personality traits. Lawrence needs a dog that can guide him through outdoor activities like snowshoeing, sledding, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, hiking, canoeing, boating, fishing, and camping. Who will be the most compatible partner for Lawrence? Follow along and see for yourself!

Please note: Filming took place before the COVID-19 pandemic.


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