Art School vs University vs Neither: Which one is right for you? // BianaBova

Описание к видео Art School vs University vs Neither: Which one is right for you? // BianaBova

*I'm bracing myself to get shit for this video and that's fine. I'm just asking y'all to be respectful in the comments and use this platforms to share your experiences in a kind and genuine way. Thanks~*

This topic has been on my mind for literal YEARS and I had to get it out at some point. I wish I hadn't focused so much on the freelancing side of things cause you will be learning solo too. Plus the freelancer hustle is a struggle that all of us--degree or no degree--must face. But bottom line, when you're on your own, you have to make your own moves, period. When I was working full time at Starbucks, it took me months before I felt could push myself to work on art daily, and even then it's not as much as I regularly do at school. Shit's tough. That being said, everyone is different AND entitled to their own opinions so fire away in the comment section,

Here's some stuff to help you think further on the topic:

1)    • Видео   This is a hard pill to swallow but it really emphasizes how hard you need to work no matter what decision you make in order to make it as an artist

2)    • I Just Finished Art School - How Do I...   I just finished art school--now what?

3) Argument FOR art school

4)    • Samantha Hahn: On Illustration and th...   The art of success

5)    • Good Life Project: Lisa Congdon on Bu...   Video of Lisa Congdon, an artist who built her career wayyy later in life

6)    • How to be a freelance artist - people...   How to be a freelance artist by Will Terrell

9)    • The best advice I could give you to b...   Best advice for illustrators

I hope this helps or at least gets you thinking deeper about the subject! You have more options than you think and it's okay to try a few in order to make the best decision. Don't sweat it, I'm always here to help. If you have really deep, questions that you /need/ to talk to me about, email me: [email protected]

My social media handles are ALL @bianabova

Have a great weekend guys!!!


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