Lamar Gets Grounded On The Last Day Of School

Описание к видео Lamar Gets Grounded On The Last Day Of School

Credit to everyone! Have a good last day of school, and enjoy your summer vacation!

In my opinion, on the last day of school (in my Vyond world only), students were able to have free time for the rest of the day in the gym and outside. Lamar was having a blast until Mrs. Ramirez called him down to her office for a discussion about his behavior recently. After the discussion, she expelled him from this school (not forever) and will be sending home a packet of worksheets and tests to make up for the ones he missed and/or failed. She then told him that if he fail all of his assignments and tests or refuses to do them, he will have to repeat the 11th grade again next year (in which Andrew and his friends are rising juniors in Vyond), and that if he failed the 11th grade again, he will be sent to the Vyond Alternative Center for Education (VACE) until he completes the 11th grade. After that, she forced Lamar to leave her office and this school until he improves his behavior. And then his mother grounded him until he completes and passes all of his assignments and tests that he missed and/or failed, and during his grounding time, he was forced to eat lumpy potatoes for every meal, including dessert. After that, he went upstairs to his room crying, and started working on his assignments and tests afterwards.

So can you all respect my opinion on what I said above?


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