I Never Told You [TerraVen/ XemRoku]

Описание к видео I Never Told You [TerraVen/ XemRoku]

First XemRoku!? Wow, I'm honored. I'll make this quick because it's almost 3 over here and I have school in the morning(NOT FAIR) Xemnas is looking back on his life and wonders why you used to be so happy. He then remembers his former crush, Ventus and wishes he was still alive. He begins to give up hope which he quickly regains when he sees Roxas. He then becomes aware that there are indeed the same person just with a lack of memory. This only sparks up more painful thoughts about how he never explained his feelings and relizes that it is now too late seeing as he has aged dramasticly while Ventus/Roxas has remained the same age.
....Thta's kinda it. So, um, Enjoy!


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