Alona Tal - She Is Like A Piece Of Heaven - Her Only Appearance [+Helpful Text]

Описание к видео Alona Tal - She Is Like A Piece Of Heaven - Her Only Appearance [+Helpful Text]

My translation, is deduced from the following information I gathered from other video comment sections:

Comment1: she said "all your sins will now be mine , you are a soul " as in , first thing she said is "kapara aleiha" , that is somthing people say alot here without knowing the meaning it means " all your sins will now become mine instead"
the other thing is "ata neshama" literally means " you are a soul" but its the same as saying in english "bless your soul" as in you are a great person.

Neshama Capara Aleiha - Soul Atonement for you(?)

p.s in hebrew she said: "you are my soul".

Comment4: She blessed him and told he has a pure soul.

Comment5: And after that she said "kapara alecha neshama sheli tehora", which means "redemption on you, pure soul of mine".
It sounds strange in English, but like Shiraz said, it's a slang...

Comment6: Shiraz Shalom:
what she said its kind of slang in Hebrew, she said ata neshama which mean "you're a soul"(a good person)..


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