Infinite Fire Interview - on Jung & Alchemy with Sonu Shamdasani, Peter Forshaw & Hans van den Hooff

Описание к видео Infinite Fire Interview - on Jung & Alchemy with Sonu Shamdasani, Peter Forshaw & Hans van den Hooff

The seed idea of this interview came about in an informal conversation between Esther Ritman and Punita Miranda when they were discussing the alchemical works that Jung had acquired in his life, and Punita then decided to check the e-rara collection online to compare Jung’s private collection with the Ritman catalogue. (
Fifteen relevant books were found in common in both libraries and this sparked the idea to have the next Infinite Fire Interview Series dedicated to the "Alchemy of the Psyche" since Jung made an important and influential contribution to the contemporary study of alchemy.

We envisaged a dynamic dialogue where 3 scholars of different backgrounds (historian of alchemy, psychology and analytical psychology) could be in an open dialogue discussing and exploring alchemy and Jung from the perspectives of both historians and practitioners.

This vision came true when Prof. Sonu Shamdasani editor of the Red Book accepted to be the central member of this project and agreed to talk about Jung's fundamental attitude towards alchemy, following his work on Liber Novus.

Dr. Peter Forshaw who is an Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam and is a specialist in alchemy of the Early Modern Period and Dr Hans van den Hooff, who is a Dutch Jungian analyst were already based in Amsterdam and in touch with the Ritman library.

Esther and Punita would like to thank the speakers for making this vision, possible.


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