Day 186 Reseller Reflections A Day in the Life of a Full Time Reseller Speak It

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*C Chats Intention Journal (2nd Edition):

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Resetting to Zero Challenge Participants (join us by just commenting):
Jill of Rusted Truck Relics
Jason of ‪@TheSanteeswapper‬
Char of Fabulous Flamingos
Kathy of Kathy Singz
Nick (Mr. C Chats)
Vanessa ‪@TheDiabeticReseller‬
Judith R
Pam of ‪@whimsynsuch‬
Carmen of Northern Bargains
Becky of ‪@BeckyConsigns‬
Lee of ‪@leephillips4191‬

Reseller Reflections Playlist:
   • Reseller Reflections.  A Day in the L...  

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