(10 May 2000) Arabic/Nat

The Lebanese government said on Tuesday the commander of the Israeli-allied militiamen in southern Lebanon, General Antoine Lahd, must surrender to authorities and stand trial for treason before demanding amnesty for his men.

Israel plans to withdraw from an enclave it occupies in south Lebanon by July 7th, leaving the fate of Lahd's militia uncertain.

Lahd has indicated that most of his militiamen want to stay on after the Israeli withdrawal and are prepared to fight if necessary.

One group of fighters expressed such sentiments while on patrol in Israel's self-declared security zone on Tuesday.

Among some residents of Israeli-occupied southern Lebanon, the Israeli Cabinet's decision to withdraw its army by July raises hopes of better times ahead.

Others fear uncertainty, perhaps more violence.

The South Lebanon Army (S-L-A) helps some 1-thousand - 5-hundred Israeli soldiers patrol the border strip in southern Lebanon.

That's 10 percent of Lebanese territory, which Israel has held since 1985 as a buffer against cross-border guerrilla attacks on its northern towns.

The S-L-A is financed, armed and trained by the Jewish state.

Lebanon, which is technically at war with Israel, prohibits contact or dealings with the Jewish state.

Collaboration with Israel is punishable by imprisonment in most cases.

Treason is punishable by death.

The Lebanese government considers S-L-A fighters to be traitors.

Despite this, S-L-A commander General Antoine Lahd, has indicated that most of his militiamen want to stay on after the Israeli withdrawal and are prepared to fight if they have to.

Here in Naqura village, this was very much the sentiment expressed by the Chief of the S-L-A position in Naqura.

"Whether the Israelis withdrew or not, as a citizen of this part of the country, I made the decision a long time ago never to leave this land. I will stay on this land no matter what happens."
SUPER CAPTION: 'Tiger', Chief of Naqura

Hezbollah, the main guerrilla group fighting Israel, has said it will not seek reconciliation with those who fought with the Israelis against fellow Lebanese.

In a previous S-L-A withdrawal from Jezzine last June, scores of ex-militiamen who had surrendered to authorities were sentenced to prison terms they considered harsh.

Lahd maintained that he alone bore responsibility for the actions of his 2,500 fighters, but has not indicated whether he would be willing to stand trial after the Israeli pullout.

Lahd, a retired Lebanese army general, was sentenced to death in absentia in 1996 after being found guilty of treason by a Beirut military court.

He has vowed to stay on in Marjayoun, the main town in the occupied zone and the headquarters of the S-L-A, despite speculation he would leave for France, where his family lives.

Fares Kassis, Chief of the S-L-A Western Brigade, echoing Lahd's position, told APTN that S-L-A members will remain where they are after the Israeli withdrawal.

" We will stay here even if the Israelis withdraw because this land is our land, this area is our area and these houses are ours. This area owes us because we've protected it when the Lebanese state deserted it and deserted us and transformed this area to a stage for the military operations of others."
SUPER CAPTION: Fares Kassis, Chief of SLA western brigade

An end to the occupation would put many pro-Israelis at risk of revenge or prosecution.

It would also mean an end to guerrilla roadside bombs and shelling aimed at Israeli troops and allied S-L-A militiamen.

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