Cypress Complete Beginners Masterclass 3 | Step by Step | Raghav Pal |

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File Handling
(Read, Write, Upload, Download)

In next parts:
API Testing
Custom Commands
Cypress Studio
Cypress Dashboard
Cypress BDD Framework
Database Integration

easier, faster, efficient
less memory consuming
to integrate testing with external process

Step 1 - Open terminal and run command
npx cypress run
npx cypress run --help
--spec or -s
--browser or -b

Step 2 - Open package.json file
Step 3 - Add under scripts section
Every line under this section can be run with npm run command

"scripts": {
"test": "echo \" Hello World\"",
"log" : "echo Hello",
"cy-test" : "cypress run"

npm run cy-test

Step 4 - Can set configurations from command line

Syntax: cypress run --config configValues
cypress run --config pageLoadTimeout=100000,watchForFileChanges=false

Cypress Commands

cypress run Runs cypress tests from CLI
cypress open Opens Cypress App
cypress verify Verifies Cypress is installed correctly and is executable
cypress version Prints Cypress version
cypress info Prints information about Cypress and current Env
cypress cache Prints info about global Cypress cache

What is package.json
Every Node.js project has package.json file located in the root folder
Information about NodeJS project
List of dependencies with version
How to create :
npm init
npm init --y

devDependencies - used during dev or build phase
npm install - installs both dev and normal dependencies
npm install --dev - installs only dev dependencies
npm install --prod - will not include dev dependencies
~1.2.3 will match all 1.2.x versions but will miss 1.3.0
^1.2.3 will match any 1.x.x release including 1.3.0, but will hold off on 2.0.0

records the minimum version needed (with ^ and ~)
is used for more than dependencies -like defining project info, description, author & license, scripts, etc

records the exact version of each installed package which allows you to re-install them
locks the dependencies with the installed version

Difference between tilde (~) and caret (^) in package.json

On npm install get the latest minor or patch version of the dependency mentioned in package.json

^ install the latest minor version - 1.x.x
tells npm that if someone clones the project and runs npm install then install the latest minor version of the package in his node_modules

~ install the latest patch version - 1.2.x
tells npm that if someone clones the project and runs npm install then install the latest patch version of the package in his node_modules

~1.2.3 will match all 1.2.x versions but will miss 1.3.0
^1.2.3 will match any 1.x.x release including 1.3.0, but will hold off on 2.0.0

How to Read and Write files in Cypress
Read files using fixture()
Read files using readFile()
Write files using writeFile()

Read files using fixture()

Step 1 - Create a new test spec file
Step 2 - Add a file under fixtures folder
Step 3 - Create a test and add command
Step 4 - To use data from file in all tests create a before function
Step 5 - Now use data from file in tests

If the file is in fixture folder it can be referenced directly by name without extension
For a JSON file its function can be used to access the values using keys
cy.fixture("filename").its('name').should('eq', 'hello')

Read files using readFile()
Step 1 - Create a new test in spec file
Step 2 - Test commands
Step 3 - Use cy.readFile() function

For JSON files can use its - .its('name').should('eq', ‘ data ‘)

Write files using writeFile()
Step 1 - Create a new test in spec file
Step 2 - Test commands
cy.writeFile('sample.txt', 'Hello l am learning Cypress\n')
cy.writeFile('sample.txt', 'Hello I am Raghav', { flag: 'a+' })

Relative file paths can be used
cy.writeFile('./cypress/fixtures/files/sample.txt','Hell World’')
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