Tales of Xillia: Playable Bosses (+ .CT script)

Описание к видео Tales of Xillia: Playable Bosses (+ .CT script)

For a while I wanted to revisit some of these, especially the ones that were missing their Mystic Arte in their previous videos. I didn't want to go through the hassle of changing everything manually every time anymore, especially since anyone else than Gaius and Muzét require some tomfoolery with voice files to work... So I went ahead and made a "tick this box" kind of thing to just transform into any boss with everything set and ready to go, similar to what Meebo has done for X2!

I hate doing coding of any kind so it took me an unimaginably extensive amount of time write one for just Jude, so that's as far as the script goes at least from me.
I considered covering a total of 4 characters or at least one more so you could do link artes with bosses who have them but more than anything I just wanted a quick way to play as any boss and this accomplishes that so I can't be bothered to continue this.
In any case the script is available in the usual place if you want to try any: https://github.com/Sora3100/Tales_of_...

For reference everyone has maxed out Devil Arm stats (except Muzét because I really wanted to show off) and all casters are using a Mystic Symbol (except Muzét and Wingul). Fatal Opening on.

0:00 - Agria / アグリア: There's not an awful lot she can do but I wanted to restrict myself this time to not rely on burn. Using Rowen's Overclocked skill helps with dps (and by a lot), combined with Fireball I was able to accomplish this. Additionally was able to use two variants of Flare Bomb, as attacking shortly after a counter makes the rage gauge fill slower.

0:55 - Jiao / ジャオ: Very limited movepool and no access to spells makes him very stale, but he has access to easy stun with Garougeki being the most reliable, and a clean knockdown with Kongouken. Combining the latter with Kogasaiha, breaking the combo counter and keeping the enemy in knockdown makes it easy to manipulate when you want to trigger a counter. Unfortunately, Gouma Ryuushoudan is unable to kill and always leaves 1HP.

1:51 - Presa / プレザ: Fast Splash and Diffusional Drive and an actual infinite with Queen's Torment! The Dragoness artes have poor start-ups but her normal attacks make up for it with decent range/hitstun and good stun rate with the spin!

2:45 - Wingul / ウィンガル: He suffers from poor end lag on a handful of attacks, but he has sooo many stun options.. He is the only boss who can actually move the placement of spells (even though there is no indicator lol). Overall a very solid moveset for a boss and great damage!

3:36 - Ivar / イバル: Gen'eiryuujin is easily up there in the top 3 most bs artes in the game, zero start-up with outrageous range with zero end lag whether it confirms or not. Ivar also has decent air-game and even an option to return back on-ground! Souga Kouretsujin also suffers from not being able to kill..

4:24 - Nachtigal / ナハティガル: I wish he was good, really lol. His spells are decent and the fast normals connect well with Bakusaizan and Mouhasou. Attempting to use anything else requires a setup, I wanted to use Haja Chiryuujin which barely worked with a stun from Bakusaizan as it has no end-lag.

5:22 - Gilland / ジランド: I love this dude, he's so extra! Unfortunately he's kinda tricky to use as all of his artes have a recovery animation which you need to go out of your way to cancel every time, which can be hard whilst keeping your chain alive.. His Rain Bullet is a joke but he has some really cool chain possibilities!

6:11 - Celsius / セルシウス: Honestly still as awful as I remember.. Positioning with any of her artes that have her move around is an absolute nightmare. Saikahyourou is an amazing tool that carries her moveset and can be used to make pretty much anything work!

7:00 - Maxwell / マクスウェル: He has incredible amount of options when not locked to elemental form rules! He can push the enemy across the entire arena and even knockdown with his infinite range Wind Cutter! Wind Sneak is total bs with stun and immediate spacing, creating a window for a free spell.

7:55 - Volt / ヴォルト: I love this silly bouncy ball, he's very hard to space attacks with but he has outrageous dps so it's very rewarding to do right!

8:23 - Gaius / ガイアス: Definitely the most playable out of everyone, he has a fully complete set of normal attacks and enough artes to fill the entire menu. Can still see he's unfinished with no cancel windows, but lmao Hien Shunrenzan.

9:08 - Muzét / ミュゼ: She literally has the best spells in the game, ridiculously low cast times with immediate cancel windows. She may be incomplete but these combined with her guaranteed guard-break artes makes her extremely formidable. I wanted to show off some AI knowledge and spell lock without any additional cast bonuses. Gravity during a retreat phase does crazy damage even with reduce hits!

9:58 - Golden Mage Knight / 黄金魔剣士: This dude is beyond broken. Hiyouhonpo is an on-command Snap Pivot that doesn't break your chain. The rest should speak for itself.


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