【4k】2020.6.15 伊豆下田伊東園ホテルズはな岬一泊旅行Shimoda, Izu Ito garden hotel hanamisaki overnight trip

Описание к видео 【4k】2020.6.15 伊豆下田伊東園ホテルズはな岬一泊旅行Shimoda, Izu Ito garden hotel hanamisaki overnight trip

I chose a reasonable hotel as an overnight trip this time on the Shimoda, Izu Ito garden hotels はな cape.
After all the hot spring is good, he/she took the fatigue of the trip and entered slowly.
The hotel was a chartered state almost empty, and, in the hotel, as for around 20-30 of this, the hotel thought that it would not be got along at the time of buffet under the influence of a corona on the the first-floor sea side, too.
The corona measures were relieved to be had well in peace, and the buffet appeared in the activeness for it of the thing which there was not more, too. I told oneself that there was no help for it. I stayed while considering even a little for the help of the hotel.
Just played リニュアル, and the hotel was extensive; was beautiful.
Thank you, staff of the hotel.
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BGMフリー:甘茶の音楽工房・Galley Otoオリジナル


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