SwiftUI vs UIKit – Comparison of building the same app in each framework

Описание к видео SwiftUI vs UIKit – Comparison of building the same app in each framework

UIKit has served us for many years with a bright future still ahead of it, and SwiftUI is the cool new kid in town. But which of the two works better when building a real app?

In this video I compare SwiftUI and UIKit by building a complete project side by side, so you can see exactly how the two compare. With this approach there's no opinion and no subjectivity – you can see for yourself how long it takes to build each app, as well as exactly how many lines of code the result was.

If you'd like to learn more about SwiftUI, you should check out my massive free book, SwiftUI By Example: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quic...


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