Von Pagan Blut

Описание к видео Von Pagan Blut

Recorded at Pachyderm Studio, USA, 1996.
Co-mixed by Ossuary Insane at Emerald Studio, USA.

"Of Pagan Blood is certainly one of my personal favorites both musically and lyrically on this album although I love them all, of course! This song was finished on new years eve of '95. I recall that night fondly. Listening to a cassette recording of Cantor and I harmonizing the riffs. We knew there would be a lot more of that slow, groove laden style with feeling and raw emotion in future O.I material. The song that Century Media records called "competent, but unoriginal" further adding "if Bard "Faust" Eithun from Emperor thinks you deserve a record deal why doesn't he sign you?!" Hahaha... speaking of mail, I remember getting a letter in the snail mail (Before we had access to email!), and it was from a metal head in Sweden who had bought the CD and enjoyed this song so much that he named himself "Von Pagan Blut" as his new nom de guerre! I was and still am honored, of course. I wonder if he is still a fanatical O.I fan to this day?! He better be! Hails and Horns Forever Up to all the frenzied metal fans who reached out to contact us in the mid to late '90's! We sincerely appreciate each and every single one of you, brothers and sisters alike! I still have a small box of letters from many of you worldwide. It's the true few that count the most. As Quorthon of Bathory said in ...Of Doom: "Tou kept your faith, you mailed us your Hails, Tou spread our name and commotion, you are the ones who believes and supports and that's called sheer bloody fucking
devotion." I second that!
- Prophet 2016

I am a true son of the darkness
And I alone walk this twisted landscape, stalking the pit
Enchanted by the bloody terrain of which I travel

My pagan roots outstretch the land of this earthly whore
And I myself am a sky of unfathomed northern force
My truth impacts this world like a shower of fallen stars
Blazing with the fury of the death squads

Lightning strikes my flesh
In a luminescent orb of sombrous godlessness
A dirty sky is drifting far above, the Stygian tombs of untimely rest

Storm clouds now gathering strong
Fathering acherontic streams of pale moonlight
To the ancestral pains of a kingdom
Adorned with blood and guts of slain mortal scum

Kristofer Jacobsen (Cantor Celebrant; Vocals, Guitar, Bass)
Chad Hansen (Der Prophet; Guitars, Lyrics)
Jason Weber (Das Rage; Drums)
Mattias Frisk - Artwork


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