How to make your Signature correct & lucky | Secret of Signature | Graphology | Astro Arun Pandit

Описание к видео How to make your Signature correct & lucky | Secret of Signature | Graphology | Astro Arun Pandit

A signature tells about your nature, How to know someone from their signature, What your signature says, Your sign can change your life, Astrology signature analysis, and signature personality, best video watch if you want to know how to make a sign which gives you success. Sign that can bring success & happiness in your life.
Learn Live how you can create a prosperous signature. Signature Science, Personality hidden in signature, Personality Attitude, signature thinking, signature thoughts

In this video, you will know how you can convert your signature into an autograph, signature can tell a lot about you. Arun ji will make a different kind of signature and tell you what it means. This is a very informative video for anyone who wants success in their life.
As you sign in many important places. He will also tell you some tips to make you understand how you can make a signature & secrets of a millionaire’s sign. Watch the whole video to know about it.

Signature Analysis, Graphology का एक Important chapter होता है। सिग्‍नेचर से व्‍यक्ति के जीवन के उतार-चढ़ाव, स्‍वभाव, व्‍यक्तित्‍व और विशेषताऍं जानी जा सकती है। आज के इस विडियो में आप जानेगें कि अलग-अलग सिग्‍नेचर के आधार पर उनका विश्‍लेषण कैसे किया जाता है! ग्राफोलॉजी के अनुसार सिग्‍नेचर आपकी लाइफ को बहुत इफेक्‍ट करते हैं क्‍योंकि, सिग्‍नेचर आपकी सबसे इर्म्‍पोटेंट आइडेंटिटी होती है। सिग्‍नेचर अलग-अलग तरह के होते हैं और ग्राफोलाॅजी में बताया जाता है कि तरक्‍की व सफलता के लिये कैसे सिग्‍नेचर लकी होते हैं और कैसे आप अपने सिग्‍नेचर को बदल कर उसे अपने लिये लकी बना सकतें हैं।

Numerology and Signature| Graphology| Numerology| signature| Autograph| celebrity signature| handwriting|

0:00 - What is signature analysis and Graphology?
1:03 - What your way of writing tells?
2:24 - What is signature and different types of signature.
11:38 - Tips and secrets of powerful and perfect signatures

How to make your Signature correct & lucky | Secret of Signature | Astro Arun Pandit

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