Cattle Only Challenge! || WolfQuest Anniversary Edition

Описание к видео Cattle Only Challenge! || WolfQuest Anniversary Edition

Only cattle

Lost River only
Played on Accurate.
You're only allowed to eat cows and drink water.
Can't hunt anything else, nor eat naturally spawned carcasses.

Cows will be penned the night after one is killed, so you need to make sure you have enough food to not starve on nights you can't hunt new prey.

Ideally, one adult cow is killed the first night, and chunked.
- Cow can be lead to the fence gap first, for easier access.
- After it's dead, one player stays at the carcass and creates chunks.
- All other players then take the chunks and place them right outside the ranch border. Not to den yet.
- Once all chunks are outside, players may go in and kill a calf to eat themselves and regain health.
- Then all players can start taking chunks from the outside pile back to den.

Keep in mind chunks may despawn if left alone, so it's good to have a player near chunks at all times.

One player will be the feeder. This solely depends on who has the highest hunger % when pups need food, or who got the most injured during cow hunting. The feeder will be the one to eat chunks and regurgitate for pups, remembering to drink plenty of water.
Players are discouraged from eating chunks brought to den. You take a long time to starve to death, pups do not.

Things were.. rough, but I'm counting it as a win anyway!


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