Makan On Wheels 开着餐车趴趴走 EP9 - Lor Mee at Ulu Yam, Selangor!

Описание к видео Makan On Wheels 开着餐车趴趴走 EP9 - Lor Mee at Ulu Yam, Selangor!

The trio arrives in Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor, for thrilling outdoor activities. They also head to Ulu Yam, "Hometown of Lor Mee", to learn about the similarities & differences between local & Singapore's Lor Mee. The dish for the culinary exchange at this stop is Singapore's Hokkien Lor Mee. 离开文冬,三人抵达雪兰莪州的小镇新古毛体验惊险刺激的户外活动。之后,他们前往有着“卤面之乡”称号的乌鲁音了解到当地卤面和新加坡卤面的异同之处。最后,他们以新加坡的福建卤面作为这一站的交流美食。


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