Transform Your Relationship With Yourself with Kaylee Bronkhorst

Описание к видео Transform Your Relationship With Yourself with Kaylee Bronkhorst

I spoke with Positive Psychology Practitioner and Life Coach Kaylee Bronkhorst in this episode.

After a stint as a professional yachting crew member, she immersed herself in studying positive psychology. She fell in love with the concepts and its potential to transform lives.

The tools and practices helped her build resilience and overcome challenging times. She founded Beyond Content, her life coaching practice, to share positive psychology's power with others.

Tune in to the episode to hear: 

- How to build a new habit by journalling for only a few minutes a day.
- The importance of turning simple chores into the practice of self-care.
- Learning to train the brain to scan for the positive experiences without ignoring the negative.
- Applying the hour of power before bedtime and after waking up in the morning.
- Noticing negative self-talk and re-framing it.
Buy the journal on Amazon:

Visit Kaylee’s website:

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