Metro Solar Inc. Compares PV To Solar Thermal

Описание к видео Metro Solar Inc. Compares PV To Solar Thermal
Metro Solar Inc. Compares PV To Solar Thermal Efficiency [Video]
By Dave | Edit

Dave from Metro Solar describes the efficiency differences of PV compared to solar thermal.

This is my 1st video interview with Dave Woycio president of Metro Solar Inc. This interview was taken at the SunFest in Denver nears Coors Field.

SolarDave: Tell me about your company, what you do and what areas you service?

Dave Woycio: Metro Solar Inc. is the name of our company we install, service design all solar thermal and PV systems. Residential, commercial a big part of our business is radiant floor heating systems that we tie in to. Domestic hot water is kind of an off shoot of that - pretty easy to do.

Our systems are all drain back water systems because we like those better they are more efficient less maintenance and we can guarantee they won't freeze.

We also do the PV systems which we feel is more of a plug and play technology is pretty simple to design that. Figure what your loads are put your panel size and your inverter size together and you are ready to go.

A little more involved on the solar thermal side of things, do a heat loss calculation on a house, figure how big a system we are going to need and design it for the client and kind of go from there.

It doesn't have to be a radiant floor heating system it could be a force air heating system, it could be a boiler system that has a high efficiency base board on it too, we also do the boilers - the high efficiency boilers because they tie in with systems that we put together.

SolarDave: Is your business 50/50 on PV and solar thermal?

Dave Woycio: More like 90% solar thermal 10% PV. We don't advertise so much in to the PV world, there are a lot of people doing it right now.

Efficiency wise you can not beat the solar thermal compared to a PV system. If you really take the nuts and bolts of this thing and really look at it I am looking at 65% to 70% on solar thermal compared to a 15% to 18% efficient. When summer time comes you are looking at 8% to 12%. The hotter things get the less efficiency we are dropping energy becuase the panel heats up.


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