-22 चश्मे का नंबर ICL Surgery से हटवाया। Biotech ICL Lens for Correcting Specs Power more than -18 D

Описание к видео -22 चश्मे का नंबर ICL Surgery से हटवाया। Biotech ICL Lens for Correcting Specs Power more than -18 D

Mr. Ansab Fazal (27) is from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
He's a student pursuing Post Graduation in Planning from AMU.

He had high myopia with a specs prescription of -23.0 D in both eyes. He used to wear very thick glasses and faced a lot of problems due to his eyeglasses in day-to-day life.

Mr. Ansab recently underwent an ICL Lens Implantation procedure for Specs Removal at Eye7 Eye Hospital, Delhi. He finally got rid of his thick and heavy glasses and achieved 6/6 vision.

Mr. Ansab shares his experience of undergoing the surgery and shares with us how well can he see now after the surgery.

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✅ Read more about ICL and other specs removal services available at Eye7 Hospitals

☘︎ Absolute Indications for ICL

✦ Eye power more than -8 dioptres up to -27 dioptres
✦ Cornea thinner than 450 microns
✦ Cylinder power of the eye is more than 3.5 diopters
✦ Unhealthy cornea including Keratoconus
✦ Dry eye situations
✦ Any situation where LASER Surgery is not a suitable option

☘︎ Precise Vision Correction

ICL has been approved in Europe since 1997 and in the U.S. since 2005. In that time, over 2,000,000 eyes have been implanted with ICLs by certified, specialized surgeons with studies showing a 99% patient satisfaction rate. In addition to that, one also gets the following benefits:

☘︎ Benefits of ICL
✦ No dry eyes
✦ High-definition vision which is sharp and crisp
✦ Excellent Night Vision
✦ Preferred choice in thin corneas
✦ UV protection is inbuilt in ICL
✦ A typically quick, 15-minute procedure and most people can resume daily activities in just a few short days with clearer vision


You’ll be required to make 2 visits to Delhi
(The first visit for screening tests and the second visit after 15-20 days for the surgery)

1️⃣ VISIT:
At the time of screening check-ups, you will be required to stay in Delhi for 2 days.

➤ 1st Day:
Pre-Op Screening Test will be performed (approx. 3-4 hours)
➤ 2nd Day:
Final measurement for ICL lenses (approx. 2 hours), If you turn out to be an eligible candidate for ICL and would want to order the lenses for the surgery, then you’ll be required to come the next day for the final measurement of ICL lenses.

2️⃣ VISIT:
At the time of surgery, you will be required to stay in Delhi for2 days.

➤ 1st Day: Surgery for both eyes (approx. 2 hours)
➤2nd Day: Follow-Up check-up (approx.. 1 hour)


Telephone: (011) 40 40 40 70 (Available 24x7)

WhatsApp: (+91) 9643 778899 (https://wa.me/919643778899)

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.eye7.in/​​​

Locations: Delhi-NCR, INDIA
(Lajpat Nagar, Daryaganj, Janakpuri, Shaheen Bagh, Preet Vihar, Indirapuram-Ghaziabad)

#ICL #BestICLSurgeon #ICLeyeSurgery #BioTech #biotechICL #BestHospitalForICL #SpecsRemoval #ICLSurgery #HighMyopia #BestICLlens #Yemen

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