Описание к видео This Base is OUT OF THIS WORLD!

So my friends and I needed a community base for our Extinction server in our cluster, for people to live out of until they build their own bases. I had the crazy idea to build the base in the shape of a rocketship. What do you think? Would you like to see a timelapse build video too? Let me know in the comments, That will take a bit longer to put together as this took me over 8 hours to build in creative mode, that's a hefty chunk of footage to edit down into a shorter video.

Made with Ark Survival Evolved, Steam PC version
List of mods used on this server:
Structures Plus
Eco's RP Decor
Dino Storage V2
Awesome Spyglass
Death Recovery
Best Eggs
Crafting Skill Potion
Auto Tribe Invite V1

Hello there! Thanks so much for joining me today!

Ark Survival Evolved is made and copyright Studio Wildcard, they are kind enough to allow and encourage content creators to use their game, game images and sounds to create Ark videos.

Songbird Gaming is not in any way affiliated with Songbird Productions, Songbird Symphony, Songbird Studios, or any other business with a similar name. Songbird is a nickname my husband gave me when we were dating, because I like to sing. Songbird is me, and my social media name and gamer tag. This channel is just about me, and my friends, playing games, and helping others play games. That's it.

Music and Sound Effects Credits:
"Rainforest Ambiance" by GlorySunz via

"Scott Buckley - Terminus" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license.
   / musicbyscottb  
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:    • 🎖️ Free Epic Heroic Music (For Videos...  


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