Follow the 90-10 Rule to Better Your High School Booster Club

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Better Booster Clubs (
We help your high school arts and athletic programs reach their full potential.
Follow the 90-10 Rule to Better Your High School Booster Club
When you are evaluating your existing fundraising activities or events or considering new ones for your high school booster club, you should follow what I have coined the 90-10 rule.

Simply stated, the 90-10 rule means that 90% of the funds that you raise from any particular fundraising activity or event must come from outside of your core constituencies (of current parents, youth parents, alumni and alumni parents) and should end up going directly into your program. In addition, you should net at least $10,000 from the existing or considered fundraising activity or event. Otherwise, in my experience and opinion, the fundraising activity or event that you are currently doing or considering isn't or won't be worth the effort expended. Therefore, it really should be eliminated or dropped from consideration because I guarantee you that there are better, more productive things that you can and should focus on and do each year.

This is a great rule to follow and easy and unemotional way to eliminate a multitude of under-performing activities and events that don't make the grade but are often clung and added to year after year. It will also save you countless hours of time arguing about and organizing these activities and events annually. Plus, it will allow you to focus your resources and energies on only the most productive fundraising activities, events and tasks, which should include an annual membership and advertising drive that I suggest you do and do well each year. It will also enable you to raise considerably more money with less effort. Plus, it will help to avoid nickel-and-diming people to death, especially your core constituents. All are very good things for both your core constituents and your cause!

So make sure to evaluate all of your existing and proposed fundraising activities and events by the 90-10 rule. Then, eliminate those activities and events that don't or won't make the grade or otherwise pass the test. You and the important high school arts or athletics activity that you are part of and seek to support will be far better off if you follow this simple rule, and you'll thank me for it when you routinely apply it. I can assure you.


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