새로운 입자나 힘의 존재 가능성? 기존 물리학 표준모형을 뒤집는 역대급 실험 결과?! [안될과학-초긴급과학]

Описание к видео 새로운 입자나 힘의 존재 가능성? 기존 물리학 표준모형을 뒤집는 역대급 실험 결과?! [안될과학-초긴급과학]

최근 표준모형이 깨질지도 모른다는 새로운 연구 소식이 발표되었습니다!
미지의 힘의 존재가 나타난 걸까요? 새로운 입자가 발견될까요?
뮤온 g-2가 도대체 무엇이고 페르미연구소의 실험 결과는 무엇인지 긴급하게 전해드립니다.

#뮤온g-2 #자기장모멘트 #입자물리학 #페르미연구소 #렙토쿼크

◆ Thanks to
Written by Orbit
Directed by Orbit, Star
Editor : RM BOM

◆ Reference :
Brown, H. N., et al. "Improved measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment." Physical Review D 62.9 (2000): 091101.
Brown, H. N., et al. "Precise measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment." Physical Review Letters 86.11 (2001): 2227.
Bennett, G. W., et al. "Measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.7 ppm." Physical Review Letters 89.10 (2002): 101804.
Redin, S. I., et al. "Resent Results and Current Status of the Muon (g–2) Experiment at BNL." Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003. 163-174.
Bennett, G. W., et al. "Measurement of the negative muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.7 ppm." Physical review letters 92.16 (2004): 161802.
Aoki, Yasumichi, et al. "The order of the quantum chromodynamics transition predicted by the standard model of particle physics." Nature 443.7112 (2006): 675-678.
Miller, James P., Eduardo de Rafael, and B. Lee Roberts. "Muon (g− 2): experiment and theory." Reports on Progress in Physics 70.5 (2007): 795.
Jegerlehner, Fred, and Andreas Nyffeler. "The muon g− 2." Physics Reports 477.1-3 (2009): 1-110.
Roberts, B. Lee. "Status of the Fermilab muon (g− 2) experiment." Chinese Physics C 34.6 (2010): 741.
Abdesselam, A., et al. "Boosted objects: a probe of beyond the Standard Model physics." The European Physical Journal C 71.6 (2011): 1-19.
B. Abi et al. "Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm" Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 141801 – Published 7 April 2021

◆ 영상 출처 :
Reference :
Granjo[kor](   • Видео  )
Muon g-2 experiment finds strong evidence for new physics(   • Muon g-2 experiment finds strong evid...  )
Scientific Seminar: First results from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab(   • Scientific Seminar: First results fro...  )

◆ 안될과학 인스타그램
  / unreal.science​  

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